A blog for your peri-natal and postpartum journey
guidelines to return to running postpartum
While the general guidance looks like waiting until your 6 week check up with your midwife or OB and then waiting until around 12 weeks, I don’t think that that is good enough.
How to get back to jumping postpartum
“The number one rule I have for new moms (ok, for ANY woman who is trying to jump/double under/etc without leaking urine) is NO LEAKING URINE.”
What can I do now that I’m pregnant?
This is a question that I get in my office. A. LOT. I am very blessed to work with a very active population, and when that population gets pregnant (or gets referred to me once they are pregnant!) it’s no doubt that they want to KEEP MOVING. But, what they hear and see can be counterintuitive.
4 pieces of exercise equipment every new mom needs
As every new mom knows, there is a LOT of equipment that comes with a new baby. While I’m not trying to add to the clutter of gear that is taking over your once organized home, there are a few items that I have found most beneficial for new moms
Piston breathing (and why you should be using it with your workouts!)
This article is my attempt to familiarize you with this technique and help you put it into practice to save your pelvic floor… ESPECIALLY if you are pregnant!
How to add in more movement for new mamas
The key is starting small and grooving the pattern for a habit of movement can grow and grow. I have included some very doable examples for new mamas to get moving more.