How to add in more movement for new mamas

How to add more movement in for new mamas!

Every new mom has been there. “Stuck” in a rocking chair, in a super uncomfortable position, with your water and snacks JUST out of reach, under a sleeping baby. And you wouldn’t DARE move! 

New moms do a LOT of sitting. And looking down lovingly at a baby. Basically, they are in bad posture all the time.  I know, because not only do I SEE these new moms in my chiropractic practice, I also WAS one of these new moms. New aches and pains crept up after giving birth that I never anticipated. I felt like I was ready for a little pelvic pain, because, ya know, I pushed out a baby. But I wasn’t ready for the upper back and neck pain, the wrist pain (lovingly known as mommy-wrist), the tailbone pain from sitting SO MUCH and on and on. 

What I have found with patients (and myself) is that the more we can MOVE (andI DID say move, not necessarily exercise!) the better we begin to feel. However, the main barrier to entry I find with new moms is that it feels so hard to find the time to add this movement in.

Enter: Habit Stacking. 

I have really been geeking out on Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you haven’t read it, check it out; it is a great book and makes changing your habits feel very doable. In fact, Clear put a name and explanation for some of the ways/techniques that I use to try and get patients to MOVE MORE.

This technique is called “habit Stacking.” The idea is that you use a habit that you already have (waking up, brushing your teeth, pouring coffee etc) and add a new habit to it, since the best way to create a new habit is to build on one of these existing habits.

I especially found habit stacking helpful right after my son was born. Not only because I was blurry eyed and could barely remember to put on my shoes… okay, MAINLY because I was bleary eyed and could barely remember my shoes. I needed to get moving more and I needed it to be on autopilot, because I didn’t have the brain capacity to THINK about when or how I might be able to fit in some movement. 

Now, I love to use this technique to add exercise in for new moms. It might feel silly, and even cliche, but starting small and grooving the pattern for a habit of movement can grow and grow. Below are some very doable examples for new mamas to get moving more. Feel free to tweak and change these as much as you need; so long as you get the idea and get moving!

Start small and celebrate the small victory of doing one of these habits daily. I’d recommend only picking one to start with (I.e. use one habit you already have + one habit you want to add). Groove that pattern for 2 weeks and then feel free to add more!

Also, adding habits “right after you wake up” or “right after you brush your teeth” can be great once your baby is a little older, but I find it more effective for new moms to use things that they do multiple times a day and involve the baby or partner. (Besides, I know some days you forget to brush your teeth… shh, I promise I won’t tell!)


Whenever you put baby down for a nap/sleep

-do 15 sec side-plank from your knees (each side), then do a 30 second superman hold (option to do this 2-3x if you’re feeling crazy!:)

-do 10 alternating lunges and 10 airsquats

-Take 2 minutes to work on diaphragmatic breathing

Whenever your partner takes baby to give you a break

-do 2 sun salutations
-do 10 burpees

-Lay vertically on the foam roller and do 2 minutes of snow angels to open your chest and upper back (What are snow angels? Check out my video here) 


Whenever you finish breastfeeding/burping baby

-do 20 second of bent knee side-plank on each side

-Do 30 seconds wall sit

-Do 10 squats while holding baby

Obviously these are just examples and there are SO MANY more times to add in movement.

Remember, exercise and movement  is a thing we do to nourish our body. To take care of our body and mind. To make sure that we are around and able to run after our kids as much as we want. It is not punishment. I always try to remind patients that being able to be active and healthy is a GIFT. Again, it sounds cliche, but it’s true.

Want more help? I am here as part of YOUR team! I offer in-person chiropractic appointments and movement evaluations, online coaching and evaluations, AND my at-home Postpartum Restoration Plan; an 8-week plan that helps you restore your pelvic floor and core with breathing, diastasis recti rehab AND strength training in 15-20minutes per day!

I am also happy to help point you in the direction of care providers if your area if needed. Let me help you regain strength and confidence in your body in the postpartum phase!


Piston breathing (and why you should be using it with your workouts!)